My Life With Music
I am 20 years old and I've been singing for as long as I can remember. Music is always what I've wanted to do with my life. At the age of 6 I started writing songs, although, they definitely weren't masterpieces. After begging my parents for a guitar, they got me one for my 10th birthday and I fell in love. However, when I couldn't figure out how to play it I reached out to the custodian at my elementary school. His name was Mr. Anderson and without him I'm not sure I'd even be playing today. He not only taught me how to play guitar, but he also encouraged me, which is more than I could ever ask for. When I was 11 I started to sing at places and I guess I just never stopped. I graduated high school from Cashmere High School in Washington state in 2022 and, after a year of doing nothing but writing and performing, decided I wanted to pursue a marketing degree to learn how to better promote myself. I am currently pursuing this degree at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona while continuing to play music. Being a successful musician is my dream and I don't think I'll ever stop fighting for it.
My Family
I am the baby of the family, my two sisters being 23 years old. People always ask me what it's like having twin sisters and I always tell them it's annoying. But, truth be told, I love them. I'm super close with my sisters, especially since we've all moved out by now and I think I learn a lot from them. DON'T TELL THEM THAT THOUGH! My parents were older than most when they had me and I think that may be why we get along so well. They're my parents but they're also my friends. My bestest friend in the family though is our dog Miller. Our nickname for him is "Miller the Destroyer." He's only chewed up the drip system, the ethernet cable, and the porch step. That name is a mystery. He's 4 years old now and finally calming down. I am so lucky to have so much support :)